Tuesday, June 13, 2017


Fasting is the first principle of medicine.
Fast and see the strength of the spirit reveal itself.

More ‘Me’ Periods, More Rising from the Ashes…

From hungry to starving to now fasting, nothing seem to reach its destination. It’s like I know the destination and can see it also, even if scarily, but I just can out figure out the right path. I keep floundering every new day and it’s exhausting.

Sometimes the time seems to be just running and other times, it feels like being in a mannequin challenge of life and death.

How do I start afresh?
Can I ever start afresh or is it all a farce that my mind refuses to let go?

I want to clean my mind, my body, my actions, my words, my gaze.. I want to clean my soul of all the bad habits and there is aplenty scaring my every living moment.

Fasting is not about a diet of burning calories. It’s about burning ego, pride and sins.

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